Materi: Macam macam TENSES - LateLite

Materi: Macam macam TENSES

Materi: Macam macam TENSES

•Pattern :   (+) S + Be (is, am, are) + Object
      S + Verb1 + object
      (-) S + do/does + not + verb1 + Object
            S + be + not + Object
      (?)  Be + S + Object +?
            Do/does + S + Verb 1 + object +?
Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang berulang-ulang atau kebiasaan dan juga untuk menyatakan suatu general truth / kebenaran umum.
Using to be:       (+) I am lazy
                           (-)  I am not lazy 
                           (?) Am I lazy?
Using verb:        (+) You bring my book
                           (-) You do not bring my book
                           (?) Do you bring my book?
Adverb of time usually use in Simple Present Tense: usually, always, everyday, etc. 
•Pattern:             (+)    S + Be (was, were) + Object
                              S + Verb 2 + Object
                           (-)  S + be (was, were) + not + Object
                              S + did + not + V1 + Object
                           (?)  Be + S + Object +?
                              Did + S + V1 + Object +?
Simple Past Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa di waktu lampau.
Using Be:           (+) He was there
                           (-)  He was not there
                           (?)  Was he there?
Using Verb:        (+) Daniel went to Surabaya last week
                           (-)  Daniel did not go to Surabaya last week
                           (?)  Did Daniel go to Surabaya last week?
Adverb of time usually use in Simple Past: yesterday, last week, last month…, a moment ago, etc.
                        (+) S + shall/ will + be + object
                              S + shall/ will + Verb 1 + object
                        (-)  S + shall/ will + not + be object
                              S + shall/ will +not + verb 1 + object
                        (?)  Shall/ will + S + be + object +?
                              Shall/ will + S + Verb 1 + object +?
Simple future tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan/ kejadian yang belum terjadi dan akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang.
Using be:            (+) I shall be there tomorrow
                           (-)  I shall not be there tomorrow
                           (?)  Shall I be there tomorrow?
Using verb:        (+) Rita and I will watch movie tonight
                           (-)  Rita and I will not watch movie tonight
                           (?)  Will Rita and I watch movie tonight?
Adverb of time usually use in Simple Future: tomorrow, tonight, next week, next year ,…, this afternoon, in the future, etc.

                        (+) S + be (is, am, are) + Verb 1 + ing + Object
                        (-)  S + be (is, am, are) + not + Verb 1 + ing + Object
                        (?)  Be (is, am, are) + S + Verb 1 + ing + Object +?
Present continuous tense digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa/ kejadian yang sedang berlangsung pada saat sekarang/ sedang berlaku.
                           (+) He is teaching them in the class
                           (-)  He is not teaching them in the class
                           (?)  Is he teaching them in the class
                  (+) S + have/has + been + Object
                        S + have/has + Verb 3 + Object
                  (-)  S + have/has + not + been + Object
                        S + have/has + not + Verb 3 + Object
                  (?)  Have/has + S + been + Object +?
                        Have/has + S + Verb 3 + Object +?
Present Perfect digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang dilakukan di waktu lampau tetapi masih ada hubungannya dengan waktu sekarang atau kejadian yang baru saja dilakukan tapi waktunya tidak spesifik.
Using been:        (+) I have been here
                           (-)  I have not been here
                           (?)  Have I been here?
Using verb:        (+) She has heard this before
                           (-)  She has not heard this before
                           (?)  Has she heard this before?

Materi: Macam macam TENSES Materi: Macam macam TENSES Reviewed by Gemilang on October 16, 2016 Rating: 5
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